Friday 11 October 2013

Meetings: Friday 11th October 2013

Presented a draft of the sections that are to be included in the lit review. Agreed that don't need to go into too much detail about the different types of parallel systems only need to give a brief overview.

Look more closely at why using the GPU and why the particular technology could be useful for running pathfinding algorithms. highlight the differences and the advantages/disadvantages over the CPU.

Look at the different APIs that are available for programming on the GPU and give a justification about the chosen API.

Look at the different types of pathfinding algorithms which are available and what is traditionally used in games.

Highlight the advantages/disadvantages in the context of the project and look at the existing work that has been done and pick out what the findings/conclusions are and how they relate to the current project.

Discussed how the algorithms are going to be compared and what the best method of comparing the algorithms would be. Decided that A* is going to be very difficult to paralyze and that the best method if running a GPU implementation of A* would be to test it for a large number of agents and look at the scalabilty in comparison to the GPU. This has already been a few times in the past so it may be better to compare a CPU implementation of A* for a large number of agents against a GPU implementation of a diffusion based algorithm and see which has the better scalabilty and performance. The reason for this is that a CPU A* implementation is what is traditionally used in games so by comparing it against a different algorithm implemented on the GPU it may be possible to find a better algorithm for performing pathfinding within games?

Discussed how rendering could be effected by running the algorithms on the gpu for a large number of agents. Concluded that rendering is not important as the problems are the same for the CPU and GPU implementation, at this stage is has been decided that no rendering of agents will be carried out however if the project is successful and there is time left over it is something that could be implemented to make the application more visually appealing.

Aims for the coming week are to complete a first draft of the lit review in preparation for the week 9 meeting.

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