Monday 23 September 2013

Initial Project Overview

Title of Project: Comparison of Pathfinding Algorithms using the GPGPU

Overview of Project Content and Milestones

The aim of the project is to implement, test and evaluate a piece of software which compares multiple pathfinding algorithms that will be run in parallel using the GPGPU. The algorithms will be compared against CPU based implementations of themselves and against each other in a range of different pathfinding scenarios.

For the project to be successful the following aspects must be implemented. One traditional path finding algorithm implemented on both the CPU and GPGPU. One other pathfinding algorithm implemented on the CPU and GPGPU, Test both algorithms in a range of different scenarios from simple flat surfaces with few obstacles to varying terrain with a wide range of static and moving obstacles, the accompanying report and documentation.

The Main Deliverable(s):

Report showing an understanding of the project and an analysis of the data gathered comparing the chosen algorithms. To hopefully show that making use of the GPGPU for computation is a feasible option for path finding algorithms. The accompanying software containing parallel and sequential implementations of multiple pathfinding algorithms.

The Target Audience for the Deliverable(s):

Game Developers, AI researchers, parallel computing researchers, GPU manufactures.

The Work to be Undertaken:

Investigate current projects and literature which have similar goals to this and gain an understanding of their findings and what limitations and problems they faced, also to identify suitable metrics to compare the algorithms against. 

Implement the chosen algorithms both on the CPU and GPGPU and test the differences in performance between the algorithms and their sequential and parallel implementations. Evaluate the data gathered to provide an understanding of the benefits/limitations of parallel pathfinding algorithms. Document the findings and the software to be included in the accompanying analysis and report.

Additional Information / Knowledge Required:

To complete the project and achieve the main goals, an understanding of programming for the GPGPU will be required. Knowledge of artificial intelligence and the different pathfinding algorithms will also be necessary.

Information Sources that Provide a Context for the Project:

Information about GPGPU programming

Khronos Group(OpenCL) -
Cuda by Example written by Jason Sanders and Edward Kandrot
Heterogeneous Computing with OpenCL written by Benedict R. Gaster, Lee Howes, David R. Kaeli, Perhaad Mistry and Dana Schaa.

Information about AI and Pathfinding

Artificial Intelligence For Games written by Ian Millington and John Funge.
AI Game Dev -

The Importance of the Project:

A.I algorithms are one of the last parts of a typical game engine to be exploited by the GPU. By researching into this area and determining if it is possible and worthwhile to make use of these techniques could benefit game developers by allowing better and more efficient AI in games which will create a better experience for the player specifically in the mobile section where costly A.I can be a problem due to constraints on processing power and memory.

The Key Challenge(s) to be Overcome:

The biggest difficulty may be implementing the algorithms so they run on the GPGPU. There are limited resources on parallel implementations of traditional pathfinding algorithms and implementing traditional sequential algorithms in an efficient parallel way may be a difficult challenge to overcome. 

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