Monday 23 September 2013

Project Plan

1. Literature Review

  • Pathfinding algorithms in general
    • A*
    • Ant Colony
    • Diffusion
    • Lazy theta *
  • Parallel versions of pathfinding algorithms
  • Pathfinding algorithms in different scenarios
  • GPGPU programming
    • Difference between CPU/GPU
    • Advantages/Disadvantages
  • Environments/Scenarios
    • Look at environments from a game perspective
    • Terrain
    • Enemies
    • Moving Obstacles
  • Metrics for comparing algorithms
    • sequential vs parallel 
    • quality of pathfinding algorithm

2. Technical Review

  • Cuda
  • OpenCL
  • Game Engines
    • My Own
    • Irrlicht
  • Rendering Engines
    • Terrain
    • What gives most control over meshes and least effect on performance.
  • Physics
    • Bullet
    • Havok
    • Is physics needed?

3. Design

  • Algorithms
    • pseudo code (sequential)
    • pseudo code (parallel)
  • scenarios
    • different environments
    • range of obstacles
    • distance
  • metrics
    • what will be used?
    • why are the useful?

4. Implementation

  • Implement engine
    • Terrain
    • physics(if needed)
    • cuda support
  • implement algorithms
    • sequential version of alg #1
    • parallel version of alg #1
    • sequential version of alg #2
    • parallel version of alg #2

5. Experiments and Testing

  • Test all implementations of the algorithms in all the identified scenerarios and gather the specificed metrics for each algorithm. 

6. Analysis

  • graph and compare results from experiments
  • draw conculsions about the implementations of the algorithms

7. Write Up

  • Write up and complete report. 

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