Friday 27 September 2013

Meetings: Friday 27th September 2013

Looked over changes made to the IPO and agreed it was ready to be handed in. Submitted it to the school of computing office at 13:30.

Discussed impact that offloading AI onto the GPU may have an effect on rendering if too much of the resource is taken up by the pathfinding. May need to be aware of and test this during the testing and evaluation stage of the project. possibly create a graph showing how much time is taken up by rendering vs pathfinding.

create gantt chart of project plan for next Friday.

Look into implementing terrain, doesn't need to be complicated, don't actually need to render anything at this stage just need to be able to access the data correctly on the GPU with minimal passing of data between the CPU and GPU as this will cause a major slowdown and greatly effect performance. Look into getting interoperability working and storing the data in VBO's etc.

Keep reading papers for the lit and tech review.

Start draft chapters for the week 9 review and keep a log of any technical work done.

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